Since 2019, Infinite Value helps companies into their technology transfer projects by valuing your technologies and know-how to secure your development. Infinite Value uses the Vaucher-Tisseront methods, tested and validated for 45 years.
Based in Grenoble (France), Infinite Value helps companies to transfer their technologies internationally.
Based on rigorous methods and a relationship of trust, Infinite Value focuses on understanding your needs to propose you the best strategy and support in line with your interests.
Value your know-how and technologies – turn them into development strategic leverage for your activity.

Strategic Management

Claudine JOIMEL
founder of Infinite Value
Expert in licensing and collaborative partnerships.
An international experience:
Claudine Joimel’s aim is to help you turning your innovations and know-how into profitable products and services while protecting your interests in the process.
Why to trust Infinite Value?
Working with Infinite Value will give you access to:
Methods selected by Infinite Value
Under licence to the Vaucher-Tisseront know-how and brand, Infinite Value is using its methods, which have been tried and tested for over 45 years.
The Vaucher-Tisseront methods enable us to cover the entire technology transfer and licensing process, in France and internationally.
They are your guarantee of a strong expertise based on tangible elements.