To support you to accelerate your commercial development in France and internationally by increasing your market shares with international technology transfer strategies and collaborative partnerships.
Our goal is to defend your interests by guiding you alongside a tactical and smooth development.

Towards the best adapted international growth strategy between:

Why does your company development need a clearly defined strategy?

Thinking strategically will enable you to highlight the actions to implement to ensure the success of your development in France and internationally. A successful technology transfer is based on a strategic thinking considering:

  • Opportunities and constraints arising out of the targeted markets and partners.

  • The consideration of the company development goals and the human and financial resources you are ready to invest in the project.

We identify the most adapted markets and plan ahead with you your strategy implementation up to the project finalisation.
Our extensive international experience dealing with high level negociations with Asian, US and European markets will support your negociations with your strategic partners.

What are the different steps
of a successful technology transfer?

  • 1

    To determine your project feasability and to define the relevant strategy

  • 2

    To check whether the chosen approach is consistent with the overall company strategy and with your ressources (human, financial…)

  • 3

    To assess the financial value of your technologies

  • 4

    To prepare the negociation arguments leading you to get the optimal conditions for your tech transfer

  • 5

    To look for your potential industrialisation partners abroad

  • 6

    To prepare and write your contracts reflecting the agreement between the partners

  • 7

    To negotiate your tech transfer an licensing operations with your industrial partners

What are the different steps
of a successful technological partnership?

  • 1

    To perform an upfront analysis of each partner’s wishes for the collaboration implementation

  • 2
    To define precisely each partner’s contribution to the project
  • 3
    To check each partner’s expectations out of the partnership
  • 4
    To share those expectations between the partners to clarify the overall project
  • 5
    To set up the ground rules for the project results property allocation and their commercial exploitation
  • 6
    To formalise those rules in adapted contracts

Those processes will enable you to:

  • Strenghten your strategy and be more persuavive with your partners.
  • Set up a trust-based, sustainable and balanced relationship on the long run.
  • Enter overseas markets and interact smoothly with your international partners.